Originally from Wolverhampton, England, Hollier has been living and working in Brooklyn, New York since 2002, and teaches at the Parsons The Newschool for Design. Hollier’s recent series depicts iconic people and objects by combining text and imagery, with words that come in the form of verse or prose. The works are hand-painted in Acrylic and Ink, or typed, on a vintage Smith- Corona typewriter.

David Hollier


2018 New Work, Walton Fine Arts, London, UK

2017 Ladies & Gentlemen, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

Image Verbosa, W83 Gallery, New York City, NY World Trade Gallery, New York, NY

Trophy Art, Azart Gallery, New York, NY

Trout Fishing in America, Gallery Jos Joos, Brussels, Belgium

Project Gallery, Miami, FL

2012 Brick Lane Market, Pop-Up, London, UK

2011 Iona, Brooklyn, NY

2005 Club 27, Supreme Trading Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2004 At the Intersect of Heaven and Hell, Another Room, Tribecca, NY

2002 New York Collection, The Room, New York City, NY

1998 Blue Girl, Mother Art Collective, Shoreditch, London

1997 The Apostles Arms, Unit One Gallery, London, UK

1997 Chair, Home, Shoreditch, London

1996 Chair, Two Floors, London, UK


BFA, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK.

MA, Computer Imaging and Animation, London Guildhall University, London, UK.